Return Together.
As recommended by the Rules and Open Government Committee on April 28, 2021, approve an ordinance adding Chapter 14.11 to Title 14 of the San José Municipal Code that includes requirements that were in the City Attorney’s draft “Travel and Hospitality Worker Return Together” ordinance and that impose greater standards or additional enforcement provisions than in recently enacted Senate Bill 93.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-008, General Procedure and Policy Making resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Peralez, Jimenez and Cohen)
[Rules Committee referral 3/24/2021 - Item G.3]
[Deferred from 4/13/2021 - Item 3.4 (21-691); 4/27/2021 - Item 3.3 (21-890); 5/4/2021 - Item 3.7 (21-954)]