San Jose Ca.Gov
Upcoming Meetings
NameMeeting DateicsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAgendaMinutesVideoeComment
City Council 12/31/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Transportation and Environment Committee (T&E) 1/6/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Joint Meeting for the Rules and Open Government Committee and Committee of the Whole 1/8/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Planning Commission 1/8/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Neighborhood Services and Education Committee (NSE) 1/9/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Senior Citizens Commission 1/9/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Roosevelt Community Center, Arts and Crafts Room, 901 E. Santa Clara Street
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Treatment Plant Advisory Committee 1/9/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM City Hall Tower, 17th Floor, Room T-1734
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Housing and Community Development Commission 1/9/2025 Export to iCalendar 5:45 PM City Hall Wing Rooms W118-W120
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 1/9/2025 Export to iCalendar 7:00 PM City Hall Tower, 17th Floor, Room T-1753
Climate Advisory Commission
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Historic Landmarks Commission 1/16/2025 Export to iCalendar 11:00 AM City Hall Tower, 3rd Floor, Room T-332
CANCELLED - Design Review Committee
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Public Safety, Finance and Strategic Support Committee (PSFSS) 1/16/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Community & Economic Development Committee (CED) 1/27/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available

All Meetings
NameMeeting Date icsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAgendaMinutesVideoeComment
City Council 12/31/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
City Council 12/24/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Community & Economic Development Committee (CED) 12/23/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:00 PM City Hall Wing, Rooms W118-W120
Joint Governance Committee
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Historic Landmarks Commission 12/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 11:00 AM City Hall Tower, 3rd Floor, Room T-332
CANCELLED - Design Review Committee
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 8:30 AM City Hall Wing, Rooms W180-W120
Federated City Employees' Retirement System and Federated City Employees' Health Care Trust
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Not available Not available Not available
City Council 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM City Hall Wing, Rooms W118-W120
Vision Zero Task Force
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Not available Not available Not available
VEBA Advisory Committee 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM City Hall Tower, 4th Floor, Room T-401
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Deferred Compensation Advisory Committee 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM City Hall Tower, 14th Floor, Room T-1446
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Appeals Hearing Board 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Housing and Community Development Commission 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:45 PM City Hall Wing Rooms W118-W120
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Board of Fair Campaign and Political Practices (BFCPP) 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Meeting
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Treatment Plant Advisory Committee 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM City Hall Tower, 17th Floor, Room T-1734
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Neighborhood Services and Education Committee (NSE) 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:00 PM 408 Almaden Blvd.
San Jose Sport Authority - Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:30 AM 1608 Las Plumas Ave.
work2future Workforce Development Board
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Planning Commission 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Joint Meeting for the Rules and Open Government Committee and Committee of the Whole 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Burlingame Community Center – Sequoia Room, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame
Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Burlingame Community Center – Sequoia Room, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame
Special Meeting - Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) - Board Policy Committee
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM 1737 North First Street, Suite 580
Federated Investment Committee
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Planning Director's Hearing 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM Virtual Meeting -
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Not available Not available
City Council 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
9:30 a.m. open session item to certify election
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 11:00 AM 1737 North First Street, Suite 580
Police and Fire Investment Committee
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Youth Commission 12/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Room 225, 150 East San Fernando St.
Winter Retreat
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM 5730 Chambertin Dr.
work2future Youth Committee
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM 1737 North First Street, Suite 580
Police and Fire Disability Committee
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Civil Service Commission 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM City Hall Tower, 14th Floor, Room T-1446
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Not available Not available
Senior Citizens Commission 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Roosevelt Community Center, Arts and Crafts Room - 901 E. Santa Clara Street
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Public Safety, Finance and Strategic Support Committee (PSFSS) 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Special Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM Council Chambers
Caltrain - Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM 1737 North First Street, Suite 580
Police & Fire Department Retirement Plan and Health Care Trust
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Historic Landmarks Commission 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM City Hall Wing, Rooms W118-W120
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Planning Commission 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Not available Not available
Parks and Recreation Commission 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM City Hall Tower, 17th Floor, Room T-1734
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Planning Commission 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Wing Rooms W118-W120
Special Meeting
Meeting details Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Not available Not available Not available
San Jose Arena Authority 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM San Jose SAP Center - 525 W. Santa Clara Street
Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
San Jose Arena Authority 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:30 PM San Jose SAP Center - 525 W. Santa Clara Street
Annual Meeting of the Executive and Finance Committee
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Joint Meeting for the Rules and Open Government Committee and Committee of the Whole 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:15 PM 70 West Hedding Street, First Floor
Santa Clara LAFCO
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Planning Director's Hearing 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM Virtual Meeting -
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Not available Not available
City Council 12/3/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Draft Minutes Draft Minutes Video Video Not available
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee 12/2/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:15 PM City Hall Wing, Rooms W118-W120
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Miscellaneous Agendas 12/2/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Almaden Room, Business and Administrative Services Center - 5730 Chambertin Dr.
CANCELLED - work2future - Youth Committee
Meeting details Notice of Cancellation Notice of Cancellation Not available Not available Not available
Transportation and Environment Committee (T&E) 12/2/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Council Chambers
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Video Video Not available

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