Community and Economic Recovery and Coronavirus Relief Funds for Local Assistance Efforts.
(a) Accept the verbal staff report on the Emergency Operations Center Community and Economic Recovery efforts.
(1) Approve allocating $2,479,500 of the Coronavirus Relief Funds for Resident Assistance to fund a job training and subsidized employment program through work2future, including wrap-around services such as childcare for individuals who have experienced job loss or other impacts related to COVID-19, and
(2) Direct the City Manager to conduct additional community outreach regarding the expenditure of the remaining Resident Assistance funding.
(c) Adopt a resolution authorizinbg the City Manager to negotiate and execute the following grant agreements, including any amendments and revisions to said agreements and any necessary documents to effectuate the grant, to use Coronavirus Relief Funds to provide assistance to San José residents, small businesses, and nonprofits that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic:
(1) With Sacred Heart Community Services in an amount not to exceed $7.5 million to provide rental relief and other eligible financial assistance to San José residents, as well as to fund outreach efforts to connect San José residents with rental relief, job training, and other assistance;
(2) With the Enterprise Foundation, through its Small Business Development Center program, in an amount not to exceed $3.8 million to provide rental relief and other eligible financial assistance to low-income and moderate-income San José small business owners;
(3) With the Center for Cultural Innovation in an amount not to exceed $208,000 to provide financial assistance for creative entrepreneurs and artists;
(4) With First 5 Santa Clara County in an amount not to exceed $2.5 million to provide financial assistance to Family Childcare Homes that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
(5) With Silicon Valley Comm...
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