Potential General Obligation Bond Ballot Measure.
(a) Review and discuss the community survey results regarding a potential general obligation bond ballot measure;
(b) Adopt a resolution of the City Council calling and giving notice, on its own motion, for a Special Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2018, to submit to the electors of the City of San José a general obligation bond measure with the following statement of the measure to be printed in the ballot:
General Obligation Bond Measure
- Upgrade 911 communications/ police/ fire facilities to improve public safety and emergency/ disaster response;
- Repair deteriorating bridges;
- Repave worst streets/potholes;
- Repair storm drain system/ protect open space to prevent creek pollution;
- Provide housing affordable for families/ homeless/ veterans; and
- Address urgent infrastructure needs.
Shall San José issue $950,000,000 in general obligation bonds with an average levy of 16¢ per $1,000 of assessed value, averaging $51,075,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring community oversight/ audits? (YES/NO)
(c) Council discussion and consideration of whether the full text of the proposed measure should be printed in the November 6, 2018 Voter’s Sample Ballot, pursuant to Elections Code Section 12111, to be incorporated into the resolution (as Exhibit A) calling for the election;
(d) Council discussion and consideration of whether to print rebuttal arguments in the November 6, 2018 Voter’s Sample Ballot, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9285, to be incorporated into the resolution calling for the election;
(e) Council discussion and consideration of whether to authorize the City Council or any member or members of the City Council to submit an argument in favor of the City measure on the November 6, 2018 Voter’s Sample Ballot, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9282, to be incorporated in the resolution calling the election;
(f) Council discussion and considera...
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