Purchase and Sale Agreement for Property Located at 300 Enzo Drive.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate and execute:
(a) A Purchase and Sale Agreement with Mersho Investments LLC, a California limited liability company, for the City’s as-is purchase of 4.77 acres of land, containing a 97,831 square foot manufacturing/warehouse building, located at 300 Enzo Drive, further identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 678-06-022, for the price of $18,500,000, for the future potential use as a Police Academy and Training Center; and
(b) All other necessary documents to complete the property transfer to the City.
CEQA: Exempt, File No. ER21-017, CEQA Guideline Section 15061(b)(3). Council District 2. (Economic Development/Public Works/Police)