Zoning Code Amendments to Title 20 (Jimenez)
1. Direct staff to investigate whether additional amendments to the Zoning Code are necessary to clarify the intent behind AB 101 and AB 2162. Specifically:
a. Determine whether AB 2162 applies more broadly to zones where multi-family residential is allowed as a conditional or special use, including mixed-use residential/commercial as a conditional or special use.
b. Determine whether AB 101 requires Low Barrier Navigation Center as a by-right use in residential zones where multifamily uses are permitted.
c. Return to Council with these amendments, or the results of this investigation, before the summer recess.
2. Direct staff to return to Council with the following additional modifications to the Zoning Code before the end of the year:
a. To be more explicitly consistent with Senate Bill 2 (2007), add Transitional Housing, as defined in Ordinance No. 28680, to the land use tables for all residential and mixed-use Zoning Districts. Transitional Housing should remain a permitted use in all residential zones, as required by Ordinance No. 28680, and be allowed as a conditional or special use in appropriate non-residential zoning districts, as determined by staff.
b. Allow additional beds in existing, legal non-conforming shelters in industrial Zoning Districts as long as a physical expansion of the shelter is not necessary. Additionally, evaluate and recommend criteria to allow reasonable physical expansions of existing, legal non-conforming shelters in industrial districts.
3. Direct staff to identify any obstacles to the establishment of emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing in the Zoning Code or in other City regulations and return to Council with recommendations for modifications intended to streamline and facilitate the establishment of emergency shelter, including the addition of beds to existing.
[Referred from 5/12/2020 City Council - Item 10...
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