Japantown Corporation Yard Turnkey Parkland Agreement.
(a) Approve a Turnkey Parkland Agreement between the City of San José and ICS Corporate Yard Multifamily, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Developer”) for the dedication and development of a 0.75 gross acre public park (plaza) and payment of park impact in-lieu fees (as necessary) to satisfy the requirements of the City’s Park Impact ordinance (San José Municipal Code Section 14.25) related to Planned Development Permit File No. PD15-055 (as amended) and Planned Tentative Map File No. PT15-022 (as amended).
(b) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to negotiate and execute a right-of-entry and maintenance agreement between the City of San José and Developer for the maintenance of this public park by the Developer for one calendar year after the park opening date.
CEQA: Final Environmental Impact Report for the Japantown Corporation Yard Redevelopment Project (Resolution No. 74384) and Addenda thereto, File No. GP07-03-04. Council District 3. (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services)