GP19-007 - City-Initiated General Plan Amendment for Property Located at 2078 and 0 Evans Lane. RENUMBERED FROM ITEM 10.1(a)
(1) Adopt a resolution adopting the Evans Lane General Plan Amendment Negative Declaration for which an Initial Study was prepared, all in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
(2) Adopt a resolution approving the Envision San José 2040 General Plan Land Use/Transportation Diagram amendment to change the land use designation from Mixed Use Neighborhood to Urban Residential on an approximately 5.93-gross-acre site, located at 2078 and 0 Evans Lane (APNs 456-09-016 and 456-09-017).
CEQA: Evans Lane General Plan Amendment Negative Declaration. Planning Commission recommends approval (7-0). Council District 6. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)
[RENUMBERED FROM ITEM 10.1(a) (21-1479)]