Amendment to Title 14 and Title 27 of the San José Municipal Code for Public Works Municipal Code Revisions.
(a) Approve an ordinance amending the San José Municipal Code as follows:
(1) Add a new Title 27, titled “Procurement and Administration of Public Works,” that incorporates recent City Charter changes modernizing the construction contract procurement process, makes changes conforming the Code to current City practices, and otherwise updates, streamlines, clarifies and modernizes requirements for the procurement and administration of public works projects;
(2) Repeal Chapters 14.04, titled “Public Works,” 14.06, titled “Dispute Avoidance and Dispute Resolution Policy,” and 14.07, titled “Design-Build Contracts,” of Title 14, all of which are replaced by the new Title 27;
(3) Repeal Chapter 14.08 of Title 14, titled “Encumbrance of Funds for Construction Contracts,” which is outdated and no longer needed;
(4) Amend Sections 4.12.055, titled “Services,” of Chapter 4.12 of Title 4 to reflect recent City Charter changes clarifying that maintenance services can include repairs, construction, erection, improvement or demolition incidental to such maintenance;
(5) Amend Chapter 4.84, entitled “Insurance Requirements for Certain Public Works Contracts and Use or Occupancy of City-Owner Real Property,” of Title 4 to eliminate outdated insurance requirements and to allow the Risk Manager to set such requirements; and
(6) Amend Section 2.04.1420 of Chapter 2.04 of Title 2, Section 4.08.030 of Chapter 4.08 of Title 4, Section 5.06.390 of Chapter 5.06 of Title 5, Section 11.08.010 of Chapter 11.08 of Title 11, Section 15.26.120 of Chapter 15.26 of Title 15, and Section 19.32.120 of Chapter 19.32 of Title 19 to change references from Chapter 14.04 to Title 27.
(b) Adopt a resolution repealing the following resolutions, all of which address policies incorporated into the new Title 27:
(1) Resolution No. 71816, which sets forth the City’s prequalification policy;
(2) Resolution No. 71319, which sets forth the City’s contingency policy; and
(3) Resolution Nos. 72943, 75230 and 73532, which address the authority of the Director of Public Works to award and execute certain public works contracts for $1,000,000 or less and establish the contingency for such contracts.
(c) Adopt a resolution amending Council Policy No. 1-18, entitled “Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program Policy,” to change sections 1.i and 1.j under the Capital Improvement Program portion of the Policy to refer to the appropriate new sections of Title 27.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-008, General Procedure & Policy Making resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Public Works)
[Deferred from 6/18/19 - Item 3.7 (19-495) and 8/13/19 - Item 3.5 (19-624) and 8/27/19 - Item 3.6 (19-717)]