San Jose Ca.Gov
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/20/2020 1:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Virtual Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #Agenda NoteTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
      * COVID-19 NOTICE *   Not available Not available
      Consistent with the California Governor’s Executive Order No. N-29-20, Resolution No. 79485 from the City of San José and the Santa Clara County Health Officer’s March 16, 2020 Shelter in Place Order, the City Council meeting will not be physically open to the public and the City Council will be teleconferencing from remote locations.   Not available Not available
      How to observe the Meeting (no public comment):    Not available Not available
      1) Cable Channel 26, 2), or 3)    Not available Not available
      How to submit written Public Comment before the City Council Meeting:    Not available Not available
      1) Use the eComment tab located on the City Council Agenda page. eComments are also directly sent to the ilegislate application used by City Council and staff. 2) By email to by 10:00 a.m. the day of the meeting. Those emails will be attached to the Council Item under “Letters from the Public.” Please identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of your email.    Not available Not available
      How to submit written Public Comment during the City Council Meeting:    Not available Not available
      1) Email during the meeting to, identifying the Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Comments received will be included as a part of the meeting record but will not be read aloud during the meeting.   Not available Not available
      How to provide spoken Public Comment during the City Council Meeting:    Not available Not available
      1) By Phone: (888) 475 4499. Webinar ID is 913 2537 8626. Click *9 to raise a hand to speak. Click *6 to unmute when called. Alternative phone numbers are: US: +1 (213) 338-8477 or +1 (408) 638-0968 or (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free) 2) Online at: a. Use a current, up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers including Internet Explorer. Mute all other audio before speaking. Using multiple devices can cause an audio feedback. b. Enter an email address and name. The name will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak. c. When the Mayor calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand.” Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. d. When called, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted.    Not available Not available
      For Closed Captions, please visit the City’s YouTube channel:, or website livestream Interpretation is available in Spanish and Vietnamese. In your webinar controls, select “Interpretation.” Click the language you would like to hear. Thông d?ch có s?n b?ng ti?ng Tây Ban Nha và ti?ng Vi?t. Trong các di?u khi?n h?i th?o trên web c?a b?n, hãy ch?n “Interpretation” (Phiên d?ch). Se dispone de interpretación en español y vietnamita. En los controles de su seminario web, seleccione "Interpretation" (Interpretación).   Not available Not available
     Call to Order and Roll Call   Not available Not available
   9:30 a.m. -  Closed Session, Call to Order    Not available Not available
20-1246 1  Closed Session AgendaClosed Session Agenda   Not available Not available
   1:30 p.m. -  Regular Session   Not available Not available
   6:00 p.m. -  Evening Session - CANCELLED The previously scheduled Evening Session has been cancelled.   Not available Not available
     Pledge of Allegiance   Not available Not available
     Invocation (District 9)   Not available Not available
      Sterling Hawkins   Not available Not available
   To be heard after Ceremonial Items Orders of the Day   Not available Not available
      Pursuant to Rules and Open Government Committee action, for today’s meeting, Councilmember comments are limited to 15 minutes per item per councilmember. Items recommended to be added, dropped, or deferred are usually approved under Orders of the Day unless the Council directs otherwise.   Not available Not available
     Adjournment   Not available Not available
      Charlotte Elizabeth Bruce Powers was born on October 12, 1937, in Santa Maria California. In 1958, she graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara. That same year, she married her husband, the late Jack Powers. In 1963, she moved to San José, California, and began her 30-year tenure with the Cupertino Union School District and Board of Education. Charlotte was passionate about women’s rights and firmly believed that women belong in politics. She began her 57-year career as a civic leader in 1970--serving on the National Women’s Political Caucus Board, the San José City Council as a representative of District 2 from 1993 to 2000, the San José-Evergreen Community College District Board, the Valley Transportation Authority Board, as well as a member of the Joint Powers Authority. Charlotte always saw the best in everyone—and fought for the rights of the underrepresented and underserved. She was a champion for improving the stature of women in society, and arts in the community. She believed everyone in San Jose was deserving of opportunity and respect—regardless of eco   Not available Not available
   To be heard after Ceremonial Items Closed Session Report   Not available Not available
   1.  CEREMONIAL ITEMS   Not available Not available
   2.  CONSENT CALENDAR   Not available Not available
      Notice to the public: There will be no separate discussion of Consent Calendar items as they are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be adopted by one motion. If a member of the City Council, staff, or public requests discussion on a particular item, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately.   Not available Not available
   2.1  Approval of City Council Minutes.   Not available Not available
   2.2  Final Adoption of Ordinances.   Not available Not available
20-1257 1  Final Adoption of OrdinanceFinal Adoption of Ordinances.   Not available Not available
   2.3  Approval of Council Committee Minutes.   Not available Not available
20-1311 1  Approval of Council Committee MinutesApproval of Council Committee Minutes.   Not available Not available
   2.4  Mayor and Council Excused Absence Requests.   Not available Not available
   2.5  City Council Travel Reports.   Not available Not available
   2.6  Report from the Council Liaison to the Retirement Boards.   Not available Not available
20-1233 12.7 Consent AgendaReport on Bids and Award of Construction Contract for 9588 - Exploratory Trenches Project at the San José-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility.   Not available Not available
20-1248 12.8 Consent AgendaActions Related to the 7232 - Trail: Three Creeks Pedestrian Bridge Over Los Gatos Creek Project.   Not available Not available
20-1299 12.9 Consent AgendaApproval of Filipino American History Month Community Events Sponsored by Council District 7 and Council District 8 as City Council Sponsored Special Events to Expend City Funds and Accept Donations of Materials and Services for the Event.   Not available Not available
   3.  STRATEGIC SUPPORT   Not available Not available
   3.1  Report of the City Manager, David Sykes (Verbal Report)   Not available Not available
20-1234 1  Strategic Support(a) City Manager’s COVID 19 Update (Verbal Report) (b) City Manager’s Report on Other City Matters (Verbal Report) TO BE HEARD BEFORE CONSENT CALENDAR   Not available Not available
   3.2Accept Labor Negotiations Update. TO BE HEARD AT 9:30 A.M. Labor Negotiations Update.   Not available Not available
20-1235 13.3 Strategic Support2019-2020 City Manager’s Annual Report.   Not available Not available
20-1236 13.4 Strategic SupportPreliminary Review of Documentation for COVID-19 Related Costs.   Not available Not available
20-1237 13.5 Strategic SupportActions Related to the Agreements for Food Distribution and Related Services for COVID-19 Pandemic.   Not available Not available
20-1238 13.6 Strategic SupportAcceptance of Retirement Plans’ Comprehensive Annual Investment Fee Reports for Calendar Year 2019. - DEFERRED   Not available Not available
20-1239 13.7 Strategic SupportGovernment Accountability Measures. - DEFERRED   Not available Not available
20-1249 13.8 Strategic SupportActions Related to the Purchase Orders for the Removal and Disposal of Trash, Debris, and Bio-Waste at Homeless Encampment Sites.   Not available Not available
20-1252 13.9 Strategic SupportCut The Commute Pledge.   Not available Not available
   4.  PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES   Not available Not available
   5.  TRANSPORTATION & AVIATION SERVICES   Not available Not available
   6.  ENVIRONMENTAL & UTILITY SERVICES   Not available Not available
20-1240 16.1 Environmental & Utility ServicesReport on Bids and Award of Construction Contract for 7448 - Filter Rehabilitation Project at the San José-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility.   Not available Not available
   7.  NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES   Not available Not available
20-1241 17.1 Neighborhood ServicesAge-Friendly City Initiative Update and San José Age-Friendly 3-Year Action Plan.   Not available Not available
   8.  COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT   Not available Not available
20-1242 18.1 Community & Economic DevelopmentRatification of Application and Authorization for Project Homekey Funds for Acquisition of the Best Western San José Airport Hotel Located at 1488 North First Street for Supportive Housing.   Not available Not available
20-1306 18.2 Community & Economic DevelopmentActions Related to the Temporary Emergency Shelter Operations for COVID-19 Emergency Response.   Not available Not available
20-1307 18.3 Community & Economic DevelopmentRatify Grant Agreements with PATH and HomeFirst Services of Santa Clara County to Operate Three Emergency Interim Housing Locations to Provide Emergency Non-Congregate Shelter for COVID-19 Vulnerable Individuals.   Not available Not available
   9.  REDEVELOPMENT – SUCCESSOR AGENCY   Not available Not available
   10.  LAND USE   Not available Not available
      Notice to the public: There will be no separate discussion of Land Use Consent Calendar (Item 10.1) as they are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be adopted by one motion. If a member of the City Council, staff, or public requests discussion on a particular item, that item will be removed from the Land Use Consent Calendar (Item 10.1) and considered separately.   Not available Not available
   10.1  Land Use on Consent Calendar   Not available Not available
      No Land Use items on Consent Calendar.   Not available Not available
      END OF CONSENT CALENDAR   Not available Not available
   10  Land Use - Regular Agenda   Not available Not available
20-1243 110.2 Land Use Regular AgendaC19-013, CP19-013 and T20-015 - Conforming Rezoning, Conditional Use Permit, and Tentative Map for Certain Real Property Located at 550-570 Meridian Avenue, 1401 Parkmoor Avenue, and 529, 591, and 691 Race Street.   Not available Not available
20-1244 110.3 Land Use Regular AgendaCP18-011 Appeal - Administrative Hearing on the Appeal of the Planning Commission's Approval of Conditional Use Permit No. CP18-011 for the 6211 Santa Teresa Boulevard Fuel Station Project.   Not available Not available
     Open Forum   Not available Not available
      Members of the Public are invited to speak on any item that does not appear on today’s Agenda and that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.    Not available Not available
     Adjournment   Not available Not available
      Charlotte Elizabeth Bruce Powers was born on October 12, 1937, in Santa Maria California. In 1958, she graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara. That same year, she married her husband, the late Jack Powers. In 1963, she moved to San José, California, and began her 30-year tenure with the Cupertino Union School District and Board of Education. Charlotte was passionate about women’s rights and firmly believed that women belong in politics. She began her 57-year career as a civic leader in 1970--serving on the National Women’s Political Caucus Board, the San José City Council as a representative of District 2 from 1993 to 2000, the San José-Evergreen Community College District Board, the Valley Transportation Authority Board, as well as a member of the Joint Powers Authority. Charlotte always saw the best in everyone—and fought for the rights of the underrepresented and underserved. She was a champion for improving the stature of women in society, and arts in the community. She believed everyone in San Jose was deserving of opportunity and respect—regardless of eco   Not available Not available