Approval of the Issuance of Tax-Exempt and Taxable Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes and the Loan of the Proceeds thereof for the Financing of 777 West San Carlos and Approving Related Documents. - TO BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSENT
Adopt a resolution:
(a) Authorizing the issuance of a: (1) tax-exempt multifamily housing revenue note designated as City of San José Multifamily Housing Revenue Note (777 West San Carlos), Series 2023C-1 (Tax-Exempt) in a principal amount not to exceed $70,700,000 and; (2) taxable multifamily housing revenue note designated as City of San José Multifamily Housing Revenue Note (777 West San Carlos), Series 2023C-2 (Taxable) in a principal amount not to exceed $1,300,000 (the 2023C-1 Note and with the 2023C-2 Note, collectively the 2023C Notes);
(b) Approving the loan of 2023C Notes proceeds to San José Sunol Street LP (Borrower), a California limited partnership created by Danco Communities, a California for-profit corporation, to finance the construction and development of a 154-unit multifamily development known as 777 West San Carlos located at 260 Sunol Street, 270 Sunol Street, and 777 West San Carlos Street in San José (Development);
(c) Approving in substantially final form the Funding Loan Agreement, the Borrower Loan Agreement, the Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, the Contingency Draw-Down Agreement and related documents (collectively, the 2023C Notes Documents); and
(d) Authorizing and directing the City Manager, Director of Housing, Director of Finance, Assistant Director of Housing, Assistant Director of Finance, Deputy Director of Finance, Debt & Treasury Management, or their designees, to execute and deliver the 2023C Notes Documents together with any documents ancillary to the 2023C Notes Documents.
CEQA: Exempt per Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15369, Ministerial Project pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.4, File No...
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