Actions Related to the 8087- TRAIL: Coyote Creek (Mabury Road to Empire Street) - ATP Grant Project.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to:
(a) Award and execute a contract for the construction of the 8087 - TRAIL: Coyote Creek (Mabury Road to Empire Street) - ATP Grant Project Re-Bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in an amount not to exceed $8,500,000;
(b) Decide any timely bid protest(s) and make the City’s final determination as to the lowest responsive bidder that is responsible as needed to award the contract; and
(c) Establish a contingency in the amount of 10 percent of the contract amount.
CEQA: Addendum to the Coyote Creek Trail Master Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration (Resolution No. 75982), File No. ER20-145. Council Districts 3 and 4. (Public Works/Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services)