Extension of AB 361 Implementation to Allow Teleconferenced Public Meetings to Continue through December 16, 2021 During Governor’s Proclaimed COVID State of Emergency.
Adopt a resolution of the Council of the City of San José finding the continued existence of the need to extend AB 361 implementation and amending the City’s Consolidated Open Government and Ethics (Sunshine) Resolution No. 77135 to incorporate the Governor’s proclaimed COVID state of emergency to allow City legislative bodies and Joint Power Authority legislative bodies for which the City serves as lead staffing agency to hold public meetings solely by teleconference or otherwise electronically pursuant to AB 361; to modify agenda noticing and document posting; and to incorporate all future Governor’s Executive Orders regarding the Brown Act into the City’s open government procedures, as deemed appropriate by the City Clerk and City Manager, without further Council action.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-010, City Organizational and Administrative Activities resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (City Clerk)