Actions Related to the Purchase Orders with SmartWAVE Technologies, LLC for Ruckus Wi-Fi Installation, Support, and Maintenance. - DROP
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to:
(a) Execute a purchase order with SmartWAVE Technologies, LLC (Alpharetta, GA) for Ruckus Wi-Fi installations, including related labor, equipment, materials, and support and maintenance, for the first year of the initial three-year term ending on April 20, 2021 for a maximum compensation not to exceed $650,000, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(b) Execute purchase orders for the second and third years of the initial term through April 20, 2023 and exercise up to two (2) one-year options to extend the terms through April 20, 2025 for Ruckus Wi-Fi installations, including related labor, equipment, and materials, and support and maintenance for new and existing installations, subject to the annual appropriation of funds; and
(c) Approve a contingency of $100,000 for increases in demand and unanticipated expenses for new installations, maintenance, and support during the first year of the initial term.
CEQA: Categorically Exempt, File No. PP19-024, CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(d) New Construction of Small Structures. (Finance)