Report on Citywide Expanded Learning Programs.
As recommended by the Neighborhood Services & Education Committee on April 11, 2019:
(a) Review and provide feedback on the application of the California Afterschool Network Quality Standards in all City-funded, operated, or endorsed Expanded Learning programs; and
(b) Accept the Expanded Learning Quality Standards report and adopt a resolution adopting the California Afterschool Network Quality Standards for all City-funded, operated, or endorsed Expanded Learning programs;
(c) Direct staff to return to the Neighborhood Services and Education Committee in Spring 2020 to report on progress implementing the California Afterschool Network Quality Standards, as well as plans for the 2020 Summer programs.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action. (Library/Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services)
[Deferred from 4/30/19 - Item 5.1 (19-288)]
[Neighborhood Services & Education Committee referral 4/11/19 - Item (d)(1)]