Actions Related to the Funding Award to LifeMoves to Expand the Safe Parking Pilot Program to Two City-Owned Sites.
(a) Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Housing to negotiate and execute an amendment to the Agreement with LifeMoves funded by the Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) in the amount of $400,000 to expand the Safe Parking Pilot Program to the following two city-owned sites through June 30, 2021:
(1) Southside Community Center, 5585 Cottle Road, San José, CA 95123 and
(2) Roosevelt Community Center, 901 E. Santa Clara Street, San José, CA 95116
(b) Adopt the following 2018-2019 Appropriation Ordinance and Funding Source Resolution Amendments in the Multi-Source Housing Fund:
(1) Establish a Crisis Response Interventions appropriation to the Housing Department in the amount of $400,000; and
(2) Increase the Revenue from the State of California estimate in the amount of $400,000 to recognize Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) grant revenue.
CEQA: Categorically Exempt, CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities, File No. PP18-099. (Housing/City Manager)