Funding Award for Homeless Outreach, Case Management and Prevention Service.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Housing to negotiate and execute contracts funded by Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Authority Litigation Award totaling $1,657,255 for implementation of the City's Homeless Outreach, Case Management and Prevention Program from October 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, to the following agencies and amounts:
(a) $829,494 to People Assisting the Homeless for homeless outreach services and mobile case management;
(b) $580,000 to HomeFirst Services of Santa Clara County for homeless outreach services; and
(c) $247,761 to Bill Wilson Center for homeless prevention services.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003 Agreements/Contracts (new or amended) resulting in no new physical changes to the environment. (Housing)