Report on the Request for Proposal for Engineering Services for the Santa Clara Street Bridge at Coyote Creek Replacement Project.
Accept the report on the Request for Proposal for engineering services for the Santa Clara Street Bridge at Coyote Creek Replacement Project, and adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an Agreement with TY Lin International for engineering services related to the preparation of scoping, environmental documents, plans, specifications and estimates, right of way services, and design support during construction on or about March 19, 2018 and ending on or about March 19, 2021, with a maximum compensation not-to-exceed $1,295,098 for the initial three-year term, with three 1-year options to extend. Subject to funding availability, the term of the agreement may be extended to provide project completion.
CEQA: Statutory Exempt, File No. PP17-001, CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, Feasibility and Planning Studies. Council District 3. (Transportation)