Actions Related to the Affordable Housing Impact Fee and Inclusionary Housing Programs.
(a) Accept the status report regarding potential changes to the Affordable Housing Impact Fee and Inclusionary Housing Programs.
(b) Adopt a resolution that amends Resolution No. 77218 as previously amended by Resolution No. 708010 (collectively, “Housing Impact Fee Resolution”) to:
(1) Revise the definition of “dwelling unit” to clarify the distinguishing characteristics of a unit subject to the Affordable Housing Impact Fee; and
(2) Allow developers of qualifying projects with Affordable Rental Apartments to apply for a different method of calculating their required Affordable Housing Impact Fee.
(c) Direct the City Attorney and Housing Department to return with a new ordinance imposing an inclusionary housing obligation on for-sale projects with three (3) to nineteen (19) homes.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action. (Housing)