Third Quarter Financial Reports for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
As recommended by the Public Safety, Finance and Strategic Support Committee on May 17, 2018:
a. Accept the third quarter (period ending March 31, 2018) Financial Reports for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 for the following programs:
1. Debt Management;
2. Investment Management; and
3. Revenue Collection; and
b. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Finance to write-off uncollectible debts in an amount up to $496,681.64.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action. (Finance)
[Public Safety, Finance and Strategic Support referral 5/17/18 - Item C.1]