City Roadmap - North San José Strategy: GPT21-003, PP21-008 & C21-018 - Amendment to the General Plan and North San José Area Development Policy; Amendment to Title 20 (Zoning Ordinance); and Amendment to Title 14, Chapter 14.29 (North San José Traffic Impact Fee Requirements). - RECOMMEND DEFERRAL
(a) Accept the February 18, 2022 North San José Traffic Impact Fee Plan Update.
(b) Adopt a resolution adopting the Addendum to the Envision San José 2040 General Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report to the Envision San José General Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report amending the Envision San José 2040 General Plan and the North San José Area Development Policy (ADP) to:
(1) Remove or modify references to the North San José ADP which will no longer apply to future development in North San José;
(2) Increase the minimum density within the Transit Employment Residential Overlay (TERO) General Plan land use designation from 55 dwelling units per acre to 75 dwelling units per acre and remove the minimum floor area ratio requirement; and
(3) Limit the application of the North San José ADP to projects that received an approved entitlement (general plan amendment and/or zoning amendment) and/or a land use permit from the effective date of the North San José ADP to the effective date of the resolution making such changes, and making the North San José Traffic Impact Fee inapplicable to future North San José development projects.
(c) Adopt a resolution amending the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan pursuant to Title 18 of the San José Municipal Code to make modifications and clarifying revisions to remove references to the North San José Area Development Policy and amend the General Plan to raise the minimum density within the TERO Transit Employment Residential Overlay designation.
(d) Approve an ordinance amending San José Municipal Code Title 20 (Zoning Ordinance) to add Chap...
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