Initiate Proceedings for the Annexation of Snell No. 31.
Adopt a resolution initiating proceedings and setting Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 1:30 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for City Council consideration of the reorganization of territory designated as Snell No. 31, which involves the annexation to the City of San José of approximately 30.9 gross acres of land generally bordered by Martial Cottle Park to the north and west, Chynoweth Avenue to the south, and Snell Avenue to the east and the detachment of the same from the appropriate special districts including Central Fire Protection, and Area No. 01 (Library Services) County Service.
CEQA: Determination of Consistency with the Envision San José 2040 General Plan EIR (Resolution No. 76041), Supplemental EIR (Resolution No. 77617), and Addenda thereto. Council District 10. (Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement)