C21-010 - City Initiated Conforming Rezoning for Properties Located at 0 Sierra Road, 0 Miracle Mountain Drive and 0 Casa Loma Road.
Approve an ordinance rezoning certain real properties of six parcels totaling approximately 2,029-gross acres located in various locations east and south of the Urban Service Area boundary, including the East Foothills of San José on Sierra Road, on Miracle Mountain Drive north of the Boulder Ridge Golf Club, and in South San José on Casa Loma Road, from the R-1-1 Zoning District to the OS Open Space Zoning District.
CEQA: Initial Study/Addendum (File No. ER20-187) to the Envision San José 2040 General Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Resolution No. 76041) and the Envision San José 2040 General Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Resolution No.77617), and Addenda thereto. Council District 4. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)
[Deferred from 6/8/2021 - Item 10.4 (21-1334)]