PDC20-021, PD20-012/ER21-006, PT21-001 - Planned Development Rezoning, Planned Development Permit, Vesting Tentative Map on Certain Real Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Lopina Way (4300 Stevens Creek Boulevard) (MPG Stevens Creek Owner LLC., Owner).
(a) Adopt a resolution adopting the Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) prepared for 4300 Stevens Creek Boulevard Mixed Use Project (PDC16-036 and PD17-014) adopted by City Council Resolution No. 78994 on February 26, 2019, in accordance with CEQA.
(b) Approve an ordinance rezoning certain real property from the CP(PD) Planned Development Zoning District (File No. PDC16-036) to the CP(PD) Planned Development Zoning District on an approximately 10.0 gross-acre site located at the southeast corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Lopina Way (4300 Stevens Creek Boulevard).
(c) Adopt a resolution approving, subject to conditions, a Vesting Tentative Map to subdivide three parcels into seven parcels with up to 580 condominium units on the approximately 10.0-gross acre site.
(d) Adopt a resolution approving, subject to conditions, a Planned Development Permit to allow the demolition of three existing commercial buildings, the removal of 104 ordinance-size trees and 92 non-ordinance size trees, the construction of three multifamily residential buildings with 580 units (including 173 units of affordable housing), and a 250-room hotel with 8,500 square feet of ground floor retail with associated parking, landscaping, and amenities, on the approximately 10.0-gross acre site.
CEQA: Stevens Creek Promenade Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) prepared for the 4300 Stevens Creek Boulevard Mixed Use Project (PDC16-036 and PD17-014) adopted by City Council Resolution No. 78994 on February 26, 2019. Planning Commission recommends approval (8-0-1; Garcia absent). Council District 1. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)
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