Report on Request for Proposal for As-Needed Cybersecurity Products and Services. - RENUMBERED FROM ITEM 2.12 AND TO BE HEARD BEFORE ITEM 3.4
Accept the report on the Request for Proposals and adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to:
(a) Negotiate and execute agreements with Adaptable Security Corp. (San José, CA), Illumant (Palo Alto, CA), MGT Consulting Group (Tampa, FL), and RSI Security (San Diego, CA) for as required information systems security assessment services (Package A) through November 30, 2025 and a maximum aggregate compensation not to exceed $1,600,000, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(b) Negotiate and execute amendments to agreements with Spirent Communications (San José, CA) and Tevora Business Solutions, Inc. (Irvine, CA) for as required information systems security assessment services (Package A) through November 30, 2025 to increase compensation by $80,000 each agreement for an aggregate maximum compensation not to exceed $800,000, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(c) Negotiate and execute an amendment to the agreement with NuHarbor Security Inc. (Colchester, VT) for virtual security operations center services and tools (Package B) to add an additional nine months of services to cover the full initial term ending September 30, 2021, add four one-year options to extend the agreement through September 30, 2025 for ongoing services, software subscriptions, maintenance, and support, and increase compensation by $126,000 for a maximum compensation not to exceed $434,280 during the initial term, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(d) Negotiate and execute an agreement with Terranova Security (Quebec, Canada) for cybersecurity end user testing and training (Package C) for an initial one-year term ending March 31, 2022 and four one-year options to extend the agreement through March 31, 2026 for a maximum compensation not to exceed $35,000 during the initial one-year term, subject to the appropri...
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