PDA74-094 & ABC18-001 - Planned Development Permit Amendment and Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for Real Property Located at 1771 East Capitol Expressway.
Adopt a resolution approving a Planned Development Permit Amendment and a Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity, subject to conditions, to allow the off-sale of alcohol (beer and wine) and exterior modifications (outdoor seating) at an existing 30,130-square foot tenant space for Sprouts Farmers Market on an approximately 17.4-gross acre site, located on the north side of East Capitol Expressway, approximately 280 feet easterly of Silver Creek Road (1771 East Capitol Expressway) (WRI Southern Industrial Pool LLC, Owner).
CEQA: Categorically Exempt, CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities, File Nos. PDA74-094-02 & ABC18-001. Planning Commission recommends approval (4-0-3, Abelite, Bit-Badal, and Pham absent). (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)
PDA74-094-02 & ABC18-001 - Council District 8