Extending Standard Hours of Construction (Khamis)
1. Direct City Attorney to draft ordinance revisions modifying Section 20.100.450 of Chapter 20.100 of Title 20 of the San Jose Municipal Code, governing Construction Work Hours by adding standard hours of construction on Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
2. Direct City Manager to effectuate outTeach to stakeholders regarding this revision.
3. Bring revision back to the full City Council within 90 days, after stakeholder outreach.
4. Present for feedback, during stakeholder outreach, some options for revising the weekday hours of construction (Monday through Friday) by:
a. Raising the end-time from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
b. Implementing a standard "second shift" that extends to 2:00 AM on weekdays
c. Extending work hours, but adding noise and activity-based restrictions.