Economic Recovery Temporary Cap on New or Increased Infrastructure Fees for Development.
Adopt a resolution approving a temporary cap on (i) any future new fees on new development citywide for public infrastructure (excluding affordable housing); and (ii) future increases to the existing Diridon Basic Infrastructure Impact Fee. The temporary maximum rates in the recommendation would apply to building permits issued before January 1, 2023 as follows:
(a) Retail/Industrial: $8.16 per square foot
(b) Office/R&D: $12.20 per square foot
(c) Hotel: $5,962.00 per room
(d) Residential: $5,470.00 per unit
CEQA: Statutorily Exempt, File No. PP17-005, CEQA Guidelines Section 15273 Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges, Adjustment to Fees, Rates and Fares without changes to or expansion of services. (Economic Development)
[Deferred from 6/9/2020 - Item 8.1 (20-630)]