Terms of Side Letter Agreements Between the City of San José, the Municipal Employees’ Federation, and the City Association of Management Personnel and Amending the Pay Plan.
Adopt a resolution to:
(a) Approve the terms of a Side Letter Agreement with the Municipal Employees’ Federation, AFSCME, Local 101 (MEF) to provide the following:
(1) Provide employees in the Permit Specialist (3954) classification with an approximate 5.64% pensionable pay increase effective the beginning of the first full pay period after the Side Letter Agreement has been signed by all parties and has been approved by the City Council;
(2) Provide employees in the Senior Permit Specialist (3955) classification with an approximate 7.06% pensionable pay increase effective the beginning of the first full pay period after the Side Letter Agreement has been signed by all parties and has been approved by the City Council; and
(3) Provide employees in the Principal Permit Specialist (3950) classification with an approximate 5.64% pensionable pay increase effective the beginning of the first full pay period after the Side Letter Agreement has been signed by all parties and has been approved by the City Council.
(b) Approve the terms of a Side Letter Agreement with the City Association of Management Personnel, IFPTE, Local 21 (CAMP) to provide the following:
(1) Provide employees in the Animal Shelter Veterinarian FT (3255) classification with an approximate 25.00% pensionable pay increase effective the beginning of the first full pay period after the Side Letter Agreement has been signed by all parties and has been approved by the City Council;
(2) Provide employees in the Animal Shelter Veterinarian PT (3256) classification with an approximate 18.22% pensionable pay increase effective the beginning of the first full pay period after the Side Letter Agreement has been signed by all parties and has been approved by the City Council;
(c) Amend the City of San José Pay ...
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