Downtown Residential High-Rise Incentive and Affordable Housing Impact Fee Downtown High-Rise Exemption Programs.
(a) Adopt a resolution extending the certificate of occupancy deadline for the Affordable Housing Impact Fee exemption to December 31, 2023.
(b) Approve an ordinance creating a temporary 50% reduction of the Building and Structure Construction Tax and a 50% reduction of the Commercial-Residential-Mobilehome Park Building Tax for qualified residential high rise projects located within the Downtown Planned Growth Area that obtain a City certificate of occupancy on, or prior to, December 31, 2023.
CEQA: Statutorily Exempt, File No. PP17-005, CEQA Guidelines Section 15273, Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges, Adjustment to Fees, Rates & Fares without changes to or expansion of services. (Economic Development/Housing)