C23-118 & H23-035 - Conforming Rezoning and a Site Development Permit for Certain Real Property Located at 130 Stockton Avenue. - TO BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSENT
(1) Adopt a resolution adopting an Addendum to the Downtown Strategy 2040 Final Environmental Impact Report, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended.
(2) Approve an ordinance rezoning that certain real property of an approximately 1.72-gross-acre site located on the northeasterly side of Stockton Avenue approximately 230 feet northwest of West Santa Clara Street (130 Stockton Avenue; APN: 259-28-046) from the A(PD) Planned Development Zoning District to the DC Downtown Primary Commercial Zoning District.
(3) Adopt a resolution approving, subject to conditions, a Site Development Permit to allow the conversion of approximately 22,051 square feet of existing upper-level commercial space into 16 new multifamily residential units (including 10 live/work units) within an existing seven-story mixed-use residential building on an approximately 1.72-gross-acre site.
CEQA: Addendum to the Downtown Strategy 2040 Final Environmental Impact Report. Council District 6. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)