Actions Related to the Parameters for Request for Proposals for Residential Solid Waste Services.
Direct staff to:
a. Initiate development of a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit and award agreements for residential solid waste services that would begin July 1, 2021; services will include collection and processing of solid waste, recyclables, and organic materials for each of the two service districts for single-family residences and a citywide district for multi-family residences, and City Facilities;
b. Establish term of 15 years for the new agreements;
c. Include the following in the Request for Proposals:
1. Living wage and employee retention requirements consistent with Council’s Living Wage Policy;
2. Solicit ideas for the new system to be flexible to address evolving recycling markets; while continuing to meet zero waste goals;
3. Solicit ideas for the new system to support Climate Smart San José and reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
4. Include optional services for emergency response support;
5. Solicit ideas for providing larger garbage carts to single-family residents and exploring updated customer rate structures;
6. Performance standards that would address leveraging technology and providing ease of use for enhanced customer service, material recovery and marketing, service delivery, environmental compliance, and vehicle standards;
d. Complete waste characterization studies to inform the RFP;
e. Explore using City staff for Junk Pick-Up services and customer outreach; and
f. Procure residential street sweeping and Public Litter Cans services separately from residential waste services.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Environmental Services)