PDC17 058, PT17 063, PD17 029 - Planned Development Rezoning, Vesting Tentative Map, and Planned Development Permit, for Real Property Located at 715 West Julian Street.
(a) Adopt a resolution approving an Addendum to the Diridon Station Area Plan Final Program EIR (Resolution No.77096), Envision San José 2040 General Plan Final Program EIR (Resolution No. 76041), Supplemental EIR (Resolution No. 77617), and Addenda thereto, in accordance to the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended.
(b) Consideration of an ordinance of the City of San José rezoning a 1.22 gross acre site, located at 715 West Julian Street from the CP Commercial Pedestrian Zoning District and LI Light Industrial Zoning District to the CP(PD) Planned Development Zoning District to allow up to 249 residences with a minimum 0.5 floor area ratio of commercial uses (up to 26,585 square feet).
(c) Adopt a resolution approving a Vesting Tentative Map, subject to conditions, to combine two parcels into one parcel; all on a 1.22 gross acre site.
(d) Adopt a resolution approving a Planned Development Permit, subject to conditions, to demolish five existing buildings, remove six ordinance size trees, construct a mixed use development with 249 multi-family residential units and 26,585 square feet of ground level commercial space.
CEQA: Addendum to the Diridon Station Area Plan Final Program EIR (Resolution No.77096), Envision San José 2040 General Plan Final Program EIR (Resolution No. 76041), Envision San José 2040 General Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Supplemental EIR (Resolution No. 77617), and Addenda thereto. Planning Commission recommends approval (5-0-1-1, Yesney absent, Leyba abstained). (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)
PDC17-058, PT17-063, PD17-029 - Council District 6