Agreement with Estolano Advisors for Economic Studies for the Berryessa Flea Market.
(a) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to negotiate and execute a consultant agreement with Estolano Advisors to conduct economic studies related to the Berryessa Flea Market for a total compensation not-to-exceed $350,000 for an initial term of 12 months with an option to extend the agreement for one additional year under the same terms and conditions.
(b) Adopt the following Funding Sources Resolution and Appropriation Ordinance Amendments in the General Fund:
(1) Increase the estimate for Beginning Fund Balance by $475,000;
(2) Increase the Berryessa Flea Market Vendor Business Transition Fund City-Wide Expenses appropriation by $575,000; and
(3) Decrease the Berryessa Flea Market Vendor Business Transition Fund Reserve by $100,000.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment and File No. PP17-004, Government Funding Mechanism or Fiscal Activity with no commitment to a specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. Council District 4. (Economic Development and Cultural Affairs/City Manager)