Actions Related to the Diridon Planning Reserve and Service Reimbursement Agreement.
(a) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Service Reimbursement Agreement with Google to pay for certain services associated with planning for development in the Diridon Station Area in the amount of $1.33 million, subject to full appropriation.
(b) Adopt the following 2017-2018 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the General Fund:
(1) Establish a new City-Wide appropriation to the Office of Economic Development for Diridon Station Area Development Planning in the amount of $415,000; and
(2) Decrease the Diridon Planning Reserve in the amount of $415,000.
CEQA: Exempt, File No. PP17-001, Feasibility and Planning Studies that are statutorily exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15262. (Economic Development/City Manager)