PDC18-032 & PD18-042 - Planned Development Rezoning and a Planned Development Permit on an approximately 0.25-gross acre site located northeast corner of Oakland Road and Faulstich Court (Ngo Nghi, Owner). - DEFERRED
(1) Adopt a resolution adopting the Oakland Road Comfort Suites Project Mitigated Negative Declaration, for which an Initial Study was prepared, and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended.
(2) Approve an ordinance of the City of San José rezoning certain real property of approximately 0.25 acres on the northeast corner of Oakland Road and Faulstich Court from the CIC Combined Industrial/Commercial Zoning District to the CIC(PD) Planned Development Zoning District.
(3) Adopt a resolution, approving subject to conditions, a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of a five-story hotel with up to 48 rooms, an alternative parking arrangement (mechanical lifts), valet parking, an 8-foot masonry wall, and the removal of one non-ordinance sized tree on an approximately 0.25-gross acre site.
CEQA: Oakland Road Comfort Suites Project Mitigated Negative Declaration. Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0-1; Bonilla absent). Council District 3. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)