Overruling Objections to the 2022-2023 Hazardous Vegetation Commencement Report and Directing the Removal of Weeds or Refuse.
Conduct a Public Hearing and adopt a resolution:
(a) Overruling any and all objections to the 2022-2023 Hazardous Vegetation Commencement Report (Report); and
(b) Directing the Santa Clara County Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency to abate the seasonal and/or recurrent public nuisances on those properties identified in the Report pursuant to Chapter 9.12 of Title 9 of the San José Municipal Code and the Weed Abatement Agreement between the City of San José and the County of Santa Clara.
CEQA: Categorically Exempt, File No. PP18-094, CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(h) Existing Facilities. (Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement)