Actions Related to Amending the Declarations issued June 4, 2020 and June 26, 2020 by the Director of Emergency Services of the City of San José to Expand Permissible Business Uses within Public Sidewalks and Parklets.
(a) Direct the City Manager to modify the “Resolution of the City Council amending the Declarations issued June 4, 2020 and June 26, 2020 by the Director of Emergency Services of the City of San José to expand permissible business uses within public sidewalks and parklets” in Item 8.3 above to include Permitted Cardrooms as a permissible business use; and
(b) Direct staff to work with cardroom operators to determine the parameters of the use such as tent size, generators usage and hours of operations conducive to business operations and in compliance with public health regulations.
CEQA: Categorically Exempt, File No. ER20-159, CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(e) Minor Alterations to Land. (Peralez)
[Rules Committee referral 8/26/2020 - Item A.1.a]