City Council Appointments to Committees, Boards, and Commissions.
(a) Appoint Councilmember Carl Salas to the:
(1) Transportation & Environment Committee.
(2) Public Safety, Finance & Strategic Support Committee.
(3) ABAG - Executive Board as an Alternate.
(4) Appeals Hearing Board as the Liaison.
(5) Deferred Compensation Advisory Committee as the Liaison.
(6) Downtown Parking Board as the Liaison.
(7) Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Governing Board as an Alternate.
(8) Santa Clara VTA Steering Committee - Diridon Station.
(9) Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project as an Alternate.
(b) Appoint Councilmember Michael Mulcahy to the Santa Clara VTA Steering Committee - Diridon Station.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-010, City Organizational and Administrative Activities resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Mayor)