Actions Related to the 8151 - Large Trash Capture Device - Phase VI Project.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to:
(a) Award and execute the 8151 - Large Trash Capture Device - Phase VI Project construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in a total amount not to exceed $5,250,000 and to approve a construction contingency of 15% percent of the amount of the construction contract, not to exceed $787,500;
(b) Decide any timely bid protest(s), make the City’s final determination as to the lowest responsive bidder that is responsible, or reject all bids and rebid the project; and
(c) Negotiate and execute any single and/or multiple change orders for the 8151 - Large Trash Capture Device - Phase VI Project in excess of $100,000 up to the amount of the contingency of $787,500.
CEQA: Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted on January 22, 2009 for a previous project (File No. PP08-257; public project for the Citywide Large Trash Capture Device Installation), File No. PP15-081. (Public Works)