Amendment to the Agreements with Team San José for Meals to Unhoused Individuals.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to:
(a) Negotiate and execute Fourth Amendments to the two Agreements to Provide Meals for a Limited Duration between the City of San José and Team San José (San José, CA) to compensate Team San José for providing meals to unhoused individuals by adding an additional option to retroactively continue and extend the term to January 31, 2021, with no increase to the maximum aggregate compensation amount of $3,338,469, with $2,545,133 for service in San José and $793,336 for service in Santa Clara County and outside of San José; and
(b) Negotiate and execute amendments to the two Agreements to Provide Meals for a Limited Duration between the City of San José and Hunger at Home (San José, CA) to compensate Hunger at Home for providing meals to unhoused individuals by adding an additional option to retroactively continue and extend the term to January 31, 2021, and increase the compensation by $49,655 for a maximum aggregate compensation amount of $1,972,450, with $1,151,430 for service in San José and $821,020 for service in Santa Clara County and outside of San José.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (City Manager)
[Deferred from 2/9/2021 - Item 2.9 (21-237)]