GP21-003 and C21-036 - General Plan Amendment and Conforming Rezoning for Certain Real Property Located on 3354 Keaton Loop.
(a) Adopt a resolution adopting the 3354 Keaton Loop General Plan Amendment Project Negative Declaration or which an initial study was prepared, in accordance with CEQA, as amended.
(b) Adopt a resolution amending the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Land Use/Transportation Diagram Land Use Designation from Residential Neighborhood to Neighborhood/Community Commercial on an approximately 0.665-gross acre site located on 3354 Keaton Loop.
(c) Approve an ordinance rezoning certain real property of approximately 0.66 gross acre located at the southeast corner of Keaton Loop and San Felipe Road (3354 Keaton Loop) from the A Agriculture Zoning District to the CP Commercial Pedestrian Zoning District.
CEQA: 3354 Keaton Loop General Plan Amendment Project Initial Study / Negative Declaration. Council District 8. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)