Actions Related to the Purchase Order for Library Books and Related Services.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to:
(a) Amend purchase orders OP 64021 with Baker & Taylor, LLC (Charlotte, NC), and OP 64018 with Nubro, Inc. dba Brodart Co. (Williamsport, PA) for library books and related services to increase the total compensation by $1,900,000 for a maximum compensation not to exceed $2,350,000 for the period ending on or about August 14, 2024;
(b) Approve a contingency of $250,000 for unanticipated demand for library books and related services, subject to the appropriation of funds; and
(c) Exercise up to six additional one-year options to extend the term of the purchase orders, with the last option year ending on or about August 14, 2030, subject to the appropriation of funds.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Finance)