Restatement of the Lease Agreement Between the City of San José and Jim Angelopoulos, Dba Campus Burgers, Inc., for the City-Owned Property Located at 108 Paseo de San Antonio.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee, to negotiate and execute:
(a) A first restatement of the lease dated December 1, 2015 between the City of San José and Jim Angelopoulos, an individual, for the use of approximately 930 square feet of space in the City-owned building located at 108 Paseo de San Antonio, San José, California allowing for an initial term of five years at a rate of $2,790 per month for the first year with a 3% annual escalator each year thereafter, and two five-year options to extend at then-current fair market rent; and
(b) All other documents or amendments necessary to effectuate the first restatement of the lease.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. Council District 3. (Economic Development and Cultural Affairs)