Actions Related to the Property Exchange Agreement with the County of Santa Clara to Facilitate Roadway Improvements on Branham Lane and Snell Avenue to Improve Bicycle, Pedestrian and Vehicular Safety Adjacent to Marshall Cottle Park.
Adopt a resolution to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Property Exchange Agreement with the County of Santa Clara, whereby the County will grant to the City easement rights on approximately 8.78-acres of County property around Martial Cottle Park to be used for roadway improvements along Branham Lane and Snell Avenue in exchange for approximately 12.38-acres of City-owned land along Hellyer Avenue, which City-owned land shall be subject to a deed restriction for park and open space and shall allow for a City maintained retention pond.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-033, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. Council District 10. (Transportation/Economic Development)