Legacy Lagoons Remediation Budget Actions.
Accept the following budget actions for the Legacy Lagoons Remediation Phase 2 project at the San José - Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility (RWF):
(a) Adopt the following 2020-2021 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the Sewer Service and Use Charge Fund:
(1) Decrease the Transfer to the San José - Santa Clara Treatment Plant Operating Fund by $23,241,040; and
(2) Increase the Unrestricted Ending Fund Balance in the amount of $23,241,040.
(b) Adopt the following 2020-2021 Funding Sources Resolution and Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the San José - Santa Clara Treatment Plant Operating Fund:
(1) Decrease the Legacy Lagoons Remediation appropriation by $36,800,000;
(2) Decrease the estimate for revenue from Transfers and Reimbursements by $23,241,040; and
(3) Decrease the estimate for Revenue from Local Agencies by $13,558,960.
CEQA: Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for the San José/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant Master Plan (Resolution No. 76858), Legacy Biosolids Lagoons Site Cleanup, File No. ER20-007. (Environmental Services/City Manager)