Acquisition of Property Located at 258 McEvoy Street.
(a) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to negotiate and execute a purchase and sale agreement, and all other documents including deed acceptance related to the property transfer to the City, by First Community Housing or its affiliate for the purchase by the City of approximately 1.137 acres of land located at 258 McEvoy Street and 699 W. San Carlos Street, and related reports for a total price not to exceed $13,451,344.
(b) Adopt the following Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the Inclusionary Fee Fund:
(1) Decrease the Housing Project Reserve appropriation by $13,451,344; and
(2) Establish a Housing Loans and Grants appropriation to the Housing Department in the amount of $13,451,344.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. Council District 6. (Housing/City Manager)