Actions Related to the Purchase Orders for Radio Communication System Upgrades at the Airport and Regional Wastewater Facility.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to:
(a) Amend the open purchase order with Motorola Solutions, Inc. (Chicago, IL) under the Agreement between Motorola and the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority dated June 26, 2020, for radio communications system upgrade and related equipment and services for the Regional Wastewater Facility, to retroactively continue and extend the term of the purchase order from September 9, 2021 through March 30, 2023 and to increase compensation by a cumulative not-to-exceed amount of $41,434, for a revised maximum compensation not to exceed $1,603,375;
(b) Execute a purchase order with Motorola Solutions, Inc. (Chicago, IL) under the Agreement between Motorola and the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority dated June 26, 2020, for radio communications system upgrade and related equipment and services for the Airport in the amount not to exceed $1,016,889 through March 30, 2023; and
(c) Amend purchase orders as required for unanticipated changes in requirements, quantities and sales tax for a contingency amount not-to-exceed $262,026, subject to the appropriation of funds.
CEQA: Determination of Consistency with the Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport Master Plan Update Project Environmental Impact Report and Addenda thereto (Resolution Nos. 67380 and 71451), and the San José-Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plan Master Plan Project Environmental Impact Report and Addenda thereto (Resolution No. 76858), File No. ER21-275. (Finance)