Actions Related to Negotiations of Recycle Plus Residential Solid Waste Agreements.
(a) Accept the staff report with the term sheets from Garden City Sanitation, GreenTeam of San José, and GreenWaste Recovery for future residential solid waste services;
(b) Direct staff to develop agreements with Garden City Sanitation, GreenTeam of San José, and GreenWaste Recovery in accordance with the term sheets and return to Council in April 2019 with Recycle Plus agreements for residential solid waste services to begin July 1, 2019 and continue through June 30, 2036;
(c) Direct staff to end negotiations with California Waste Solutions and issue a Request for Proposals to provide Recycle Plus services for single-family recyclables collection & processing in Service Districts A & C, with the same framework as future services in Service District B, for a contract term to begin July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2036;
(d) Direct staff to exclude Junk Pickup services from future residential solid waste services and return to Council with an approach for delivering this service in the future; and
(e) Direct staff to continue negotiations with GreenWaste Recovery for residential street sweeping services and return to Council with a recommendation.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment; and File No. PP17-007, Preliminary direction to staff and eventual action requires approval from decision-making body. (Environmental Services)
[Deferred from 12/4/18 Item 7.1 (18-1607); and 12/18/18 Item 7.1 (18-1706)]