Actions Related to the Lake Cunningham Shoreline and Water Quality Report and Prototype Wetland Restoration Project. - TO BE HEARD BEFORE ITEM 3.5
As recommended by the Neighborhood Services and Education Committee on December 8, 2022:
(a) Accept the report on the Lake Cunningham Shoreline and Water Quality Report.
(b) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant application and negotiate and execute a grant agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority for an amount up to $250,000 for Design and Environmental Review of a 1-acre Prototype Wetland Restoration Project.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-006, Grant Application with no commitment or obligation to enter into an agreement at the time of application. (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services/Public Works)
[Neighborhood Services and Education Committee referral 12/8/2022 - Item (d)6]
[Deferred from 2/7/2023 - Item 7.1 (23-164)]